Wednesday, February 25, 2009

7 V'S .... as food for thought for the Effective Leadership

1. Vision

  • Aim, Goal, Objective, Sense of Worthiness, Acceptance, Adaptation, Appreciation, Achievement, Ambiguity, Alignment, Acceleration, Accomplishment.

2. Visible

  • Punctuality, Presence, Purpose, Personality, Professionalism.

3. Vibriant

  • Effort, Expertise, Excitement, Enthusiasm, Endurance, Spirit, Speed, Stamina, Strength, Skills, Success.

4. Vocal

  • Care, Concern, Charitable, Commitment, Continuos Improvement, Courage, Compassion, Consistency, Competency, Congratulation.

5. Validity

  • Legality, Rules, Guidelines Provisions, Procedures, Proper, Perspective, Fair, Firm, Fast, Friend.

6. Vocation

  • Inspiration, Initiative, Intelligence, Integrity, Integration, Blessing, Brain, Build, Bridge, Gratitude, Generosity, Gentleness, Growth, Fun, Friendship, Fellowship, Fortune.

7. Values

  • Happy, Holy, Healthy, Harmony, Love, Loyalty, Legacy, Life.


  1. The habit of expecting great things of ourselves calls out the best that is in us.

  2. The secret of success is constancy in purpose.

  3. Terima kasih di atas tip yang diberi, amat baik untuk dijadikan panduan terutama kepada pemimpin dalam mana-mana organisasi.Tip yang mudah difahami dan simple. Semoga usaha saudara kandot65 akan memberi manfaat kepada orang lain dan diberkati oleh Allah S.W.T.Insya Allah......

  4. We thought, because we had power, we had wisdom.
