Sunday, March 1, 2009

Building beautiful relationships

Relationships ..... Ah, the most important word in our lives. Something we can't live without, whether its a relationship with a friend, a lover, spouse, parents or colleagues...

The person who knows the art of cultivating relationships has a magic wand with him!! You want one?? keep reading:)

Instead of recognizing the differences betweeen yourself and others, try to recognize what you have in common. At the root of it all, we are all human beings. We need food, and shelter, and love. We crave attention, and recognition, and affection, and above all, happiness. Reflect on these commonalities you have with every other human being, and ignore the differences. This exercise come from a great article from Ode Magazine - It's a five-step exercise to try when you meet friends and strangers. Do it discreetly and try to do all the steps with the same person. With your attention geared to the other person, tell yourself:
    1. Step 1: "Just like me, this person is seeking happiness in his/her life"
    2. Step 2: "Just like me, this person trying to avoid suffering in his/her life"
    3. Step 3: "Just like me, this person has known sadness, loneliness and despair"
    4. Step 4: "Just like me, this person is seeking to fill his/her needs"
    5. Step 5: "Just like me, this person is learning about life"

      And then you will automatically develop a completely different approach in dealing with that person. You will notice that you are enjoying being with the other person. It will help you create better interpersonal relationships with others....

1 comment:

  1. Once people understand what a good relationship is based and are not worried about being single or not they can start building good relationship.Once the good relationships are worked on... they relationship can work out.
